Viimeisimmät tiedotteet
Äkäskero Sleddogcenter
Metso waiting to be dressed for work ... See MoreSee Less

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Such a sweet guy...and pretty ♥️
I believe you mean Mezzo🤩
It is a challenging January. Trailconditions keep on changing frequently due to the temperatures varying from minus 36 to plus 5 and back to minus 30. Sometimes the trails are icy like here on Vuontisjärvi. ... See MoreSee Less

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If you think, that driving a dogteam is simply standing on the runners you might be wrong. The temperatures turned from below minus 30 to plus 4. So we got a lot of overflow - water on the ice - on the lakes and partly it was really sweaty to get through. So better be fit when coming on tour 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less

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Oh yes, the overflow is a nightmare !!! We had a terrible experience in 2011 just in front of the lodge... That was the good news: we were back "home" with a well deserved shower after this!
Many people are coming with the thinking, it is not so much work and are very surprised afterwards, also without the snow 😂
Impressions from last weeks tour - from very cold to mild.... ... See MoreSee Less

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Es war einfach so schön und schon wieder so lange her
A day to dream. Lapland at its best on January 12th ... See MoreSee Less

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Sandra Künzli 😍
When it is minus 30 in the lowlands it is always enjoyable on Suoppamansälka as it is about 10 degrees warmer and very beautiful. ... See MoreSee Less

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Have a nice seasson guys! Take care and good luck! / Justi- busti/ Kristinestad❄️💚💫
Meine Strecke, egal bei welchem Wetter...immer schön. Allen eine schöne Saison.
Another cold day ahead. Temperatures dropped to minus 35 - 40 (and it is much colder on svamps and lakes). There is a warning out for Lapland and partly public transport stopped. Cars might even stop during driving. ... See MoreSee Less

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Thomas Rochelle fais froid grrr
Ich erinnere mich so gerne zurück
Lassi and his group after a pretty cold tour going down to minus 30 (and some colder spots). ... See MoreSee Less

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At this time of the year we have no sunrise or sunset but hours of beautiful sky. ... See MoreSee Less

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Heaven and Rekke in lead. Not so happy, that they have to wait before leaving Kuusi. ... See MoreSee Less
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Äkäskero Sleddogcenter wishes everybody Merry Christmas. ... See MoreSee Less

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Danke und euch auch ein schönes Weihnachten.
Coole Pullis und liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Just another video of the Yukon-Boys with Alina working incredible hard in deep snow. Alina worked with them from autumn on to make them fit for this kind of conditions. ... See MoreSee Less
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Vikas and Talvik in lead. First season for the young boys and doing really great
Dan Schwarzbacher 😍
If you think driving a dogteam in minus 30 is cold - try this. Poor guy had to push his bike just to warm his feet. ... See MoreSee Less
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Verrückter Fahrradfahrer🤣🤣
You like to know how it feels to be out in minus 30? Yes, we have the first real cold days now. A bit frosty for dogs and people - hm, why do we prioritize dogs....? 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less

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December also means driving in the night. Great feeling for dogs and customers. ... See MoreSee Less
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Polar stratospheric clouds of today. They are seldom and mostly seen during December and January. ... See MoreSee Less

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Even we have polarnight: the sun is just below the horizon and we have often a very beautiful sky. Sonja on tour with our customers. And as you can see: we have enough snow for our tours 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less
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At the first tour with little snow the dogs enjoyed the blueberry bushes as mattresses and got a duvet from snow. For the ones with little less fur we have doghouses for more comfort. ... See MoreSee Less

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Any news?
Arne out with his guests today at a cold morning - minus 27 ... See MoreSee Less

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-27, enjoy the Speed !
Herzliche Grüsse aus Graz🤩 Kooperation mit Herrn Dipl.Bernd Grabner 🐶🐾🛷🤗.....Äkäskero Hundeschlitten Armband.
In Lapland we like flowers and light. Specially in Advent you will find most homes having a lot of lights. ... See MoreSee Less

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Schönen besinnlichen Advent und eine gute Saison wünscht Euch Hans, ein alter Nordcap Musher! PS: Liebe Grüße an Berhard (Benko)
Being out with our first groups. People enjoying the beautiful ligth which prevails during end of November to end of January. ... See MoreSee Less

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I have five years of experience as a tour guide. I am a patient person and have a lot of experience. I have experience with grooming dogs.
As an experienced tour guide with over five years of expertise, I have a proven track record of providing engaging and informative tours across a variety of tourist sites. My background includes delivering insightful historical and cultural information, ensuring an enriching experience for all visitors. Additionally, I bring specialized skills in snowmobile driving, adding excitement and adventure to winter tours. My commitment to safety, strong communication skills, and ability to handle emergencies make me a reliable and effective guide.
As this winter is a bit late guides are experiencing a bit of problems when out on the trail..... However with minus 25 these problems should be gone soon 🙂 Nobody likes to get wet feet at this temperatures. ... See MoreSee Less

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Only few days left to enjoy the sun. Up on Mustakero a snowangel (angel?) ... See MoreSee Less

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Sonja as the one running her dogs in front without having a trail is happy, to rely on her leaddogs. ... See MoreSee Less
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Great job doggies
Puppies learn to wait on the stake-out. Something they will have to do a lot when becoming real sleddogs. Not all are patient yet 🥰 ... See MoreSee Less
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"Wait ??? What do you mean by wait ? It's been too long I'm waiting to become a real sleddog" 😂
Majava a nice female from Sibiria did not feel good and did not eat yesterday. So we had an emergency call for the vet and Joanne and Mercy went in the evening to the vet. She had developed a pyometra and had been operated late in the evening. By now she is feeling much better. Thanks to Joanne and Mercy ... See MoreSee Less

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Poor girl. I hope she will be fine soon.💝
Poor her. I wish she will recover soon and feel better.
She is doing much better by now thanks Joanne and Mercy
All the best and get well soon 🍀🍀🍀
Gute Besserung für die Süße
Gute Besserung, Majava. Viele Grüße von mir. Ich war Doghandlerin als sie geboren wurde und kenne sie noch als Welpe und Junghund 🥰
From Lapland for all: have a nice weekend ... See MoreSee Less
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Right now booked the Wilderness Tour for February ... looking forward to be back at Äkäskero and cuddle the lovely doggies very soon 🐶😍
You had been missing Barry, Balto and Boris? They like to chase the ATV. Barry is a bit spoiled because of the special "treatment" she is getting from Mercy 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less
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Barry = Beryl? 🫣
In 3 weeks the sun will not rise anymore for our winternight until beginning of January. Already now at noon the sun is just a little above horizon and throws long shadows. ... See MoreSee Less

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After a lot of sleddog- and guiding theory the dinner prepared by chef George is welcomed by everyone. In few days the crew will be complete as also the staff for the Huskyvillage will be complete. As usual we are a very international crew: Finland, Canada, Germany, Austria, France, Slovakia, Netherlands, Nepal, Switzerland, Philippines and Kenya - long way to Lapland 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less

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Ich wünsche Euch allen eine wundervolle Saison im traumhaften Lappland 🥰
Ich wünsche euch Allen eine erfolgreiche, schöne und hoffentlich stressfreie Saison. Natürlich mit netten Gästen.
Another day of beauty. Arne training with his dogs from Finnmark in nice weather. These days we are glad for every sunrays as the sun will not raise anymore in few weeks. ... See MoreSee Less

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When you are sleeping we are out to watch the Northern Lights dancing on the sky. Even after 34 years in Lapland still fascinating. Äkäskero Sleddogcenter - away from artificial lights - is one of the best places to see them - if you are not sleeping 🙂 Taken on last of October 2024 ... See MoreSee Less

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When out for training the dogs we just enjoy the beauty of nature ... See MoreSee Less

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Good morning from Lapland.
Still warm - yes, 3 degrees are warm for us - but temperatures are supposed to go in the negative numbers next week. The water in lakes and rivers is already cool so the freeze up should be good.
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Our "housefox" checking for food on a frosty morning. ... See MoreSee Less

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If you do not trust your musher, you better bring your own food-bowl with for a training-run. Xanti takes care of himself. ... See MoreSee Less

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It is the first season for Vice and Xari and they are already learning to be leaddogs. As the weather turned "warm" again the snow is gone. Gives nice peeling for dogs and mushers 🤣 ... See MoreSee Less

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Even at real hard conditions the dogs are not really eager to rest. The desire to go as it is known for real sleddogs. ... See MoreSee Less
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We got the first thicker layer of snow and birds coming back for food ... See MoreSee Less

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After a 15 km run Alina, Roshan and Sonja are back with the dogs from Yukon. A bit tough for mushers and dogs at this time of the year. Maybe even harder for the mushers as the had the same run with Ellesmere in the morning with minus 10 C. ... See MoreSee Less

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A beautiful morning but maybe time to look for warm underwear ... See MoreSee Less

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As an experienced tour guide with over five years of expertise, I have a proven track record of providing engaging and informative tours across a variety of tourist sites. My background includes delivering insightful historical and cultural information, ensuring an enriching experience for all visitors. Additionally, I bring specialized skills in snowmobile driving, adding excitement and adventure to winter tours. My commitment to safety, strong communication skills, and ability to handle emergencies make me a reliable and effective guide.
If you've never been to Lapland in autumn, you haven't really lived yet ... See MoreSee Less

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…so true ! Best regards from Kemi;-)
Ich stimme dem voll und ganz zu.
Wunderschön 🤩.
Our loving parents Uriah&Quake and their offspring. Hope you will meet them soon. ... See MoreSee Less

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Looking forward to meet them on Friday!!! 🤩
Die drei sind soooo süß 🥰
Homage for our old dogs. They have done so much work and given so much love and have a right to live a happy life. Between 20 to 30 % of the dogs in a kennel are normally retired - if you keep them and treat them well. So easy to know, how dogs are treated at their places. Treat them well and they will live a long life. ... See MoreSee Less

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From top clockwise: Nansen, our superdog. Doing 5000 - 7000 km every year and just retired finally at 12 years old. Voice born 2013, just retired. Ussuri born 2013, just retired. Victory born 2008. One of our 4 "super old(ies)" Uando born 2013, just retired and brother of Ussuri, Ulvang, Uppea, Unari, Urengoi, Usko and Urson who also retired after last season as 11 years old.
We were so happy to see Emmi when we came in 2022... We knew her from our first trip to Äkäskero in 2011...
Finde ich toll
I remember Kimo who I met 2005 and had a really funny way of howling 😄 And then this beauty, whose name I don't recall
Meeting 3 white reindeers in the forrest does not happen too often. ... See MoreSee Less

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Our youngest puppies exploring the Huskyvillage ... See MoreSee Less
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It is beginning of August but autumn is coming soon ... See MoreSee Less

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If you have no flowers you can also plant puppies 🙂 Our three B-puppies not looking too happy. ... See MoreSee Less

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Beau, Beauty and Beautiful ?
Dan Schwarzbacher solche Blumen möchte ich auch 🥰😜
Our Z- litter.
#dogsoffinland #dogsledding #alaskanhuskies #lapland.
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As an experienced tour guide with over five years of expertise, I have a proven track record of providing engaging and informative tours across a variety of tourist sites. My background includes delivering insightful historical and cultural information, ensuring an enriching experience for all visitors. Additionally, I bring specialized skills in snowmobile driving, adding excitement and adventure to winter tours. My commitment to safety, strong communication skills, and ability to handle emergencies make me a reliable and effective guide.